Tuesday, December 1, 2009

This is something I have to get off my chest. I thought this was one of the most amazing conversations that I have had with a person and that I have watched.

First off, for context purposes, I help out with a Christian college campus group called Ignite Student Ministries. Our goal is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and to help students graduate with the know-how to spread the gospel also. Our group has a table we rent from campus that we use to put ourselves out there and have conversations with people and such. We're not beating people with the bible but if people are interested, we definitely talk to them about it.

So, a Hari Krishna monk approaches our table and begins to make conversation about God and Jesus and certain things we believe in. In my mind, he's a Hari Krishna so I don't know what they know about the bible, if anything so it comes as surprise to me when he starts bringing up several key points and scripture about the bible. To be honest, I thought he was legit at first but something wasn't really adding up and I felt a little uneasy.

He quoted a scripture from Luke, I believe, which talks about if we want to be disciples of Jesus, we have to hate our mother and father. He also put other scriptures with it trying to bring up the point that we should denounce, deny and throw all things that do not have to do with God.

Wes, our campus minister and leader of our group, told him that's not what that meant and that in the original context and translations it meant to put other things before God but not that those other things are bad, they just shouldn't be before God. This did not sit well with the man so they began a discussion about this. Wes explained that watching a Laker game wasn't bad and that if he wanted to, he could watch Lakers all day for the rest of his life if he wanted and God would be okay with that. At that point, the Hare Krishna person cusssed at him and walked away. I found it funny how we wanted to denounce everything but cussing.

Later, Ricky and Charisse, two members from our group, were talking to him and I crept into the conversation. He apologized to me for the way he behaved (he didn't apologize to Wes...). I could read he was only doing it to make nice with me so I would agree with what he was saying--which I never did in the first place.

We talked what we left off talking about and later he asked me how could you tell if someone was a Christian. I told him the love of God would be apparent in their life--everything marked out in 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7. Then he asks me if Christians, disciples of Jesus, were the only ones capable of love. I replied with a "yes" and he shook his head and walked away to talk to someone else about this. What I found funny and interesting was that he called himself a Christian so I don't know what he would be upset about in my statement.

I disturbs me when people only talk to people looking for other people to agree with them. It shows they don't understand why they believe what they believe. If a person has confidence in what they believe then no matter what someone says, they still believe it. The evidence of their success is proven in their life so they don't need someone else to prove anything for them. It's been proven in their personal life.

Don't try to convince someone of something. Let the person evidence be the proof and no one will be able to deny it.

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