Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Arguably my craziest morning ever.

I haven't had a morning like this in a long time. This was easily one of my most ridiculous mornings. It might even make my top list because this is too memorable.

As you know, my car is in the shop. Well, I failed to remember this waking up in the morning. I woke up at 7 and while I was getting ready, the thought came to my head "Oh shoot. I have to walk to the trolley." At about 7:15, I make my way out of the house.

Walking down the street, I had another realization; my roommate Juan told me a while back that the trolley ticket boxes don't take card at our particular stop. Thankfully, I was still on my main street and a 7-11 was not far from there. I was just going to get cash back.

I walk into the 7-11 looking for something to get because it makes it easier on the cashier when you buy something to get cash back. I grab a Snickers, walk towards the register and on it I see a piece of paper with hand writing "No credit card." I've seen that before and it was only on one register like it was then. So I place the Snickers on the counter and I notify the guy that I have debit and he responds that are not taking any cards. I freeze for a moment and I reply "I can't pay for it then." I say "thank you" and walk off outside.

I have two options at this point. There is another 7-11 about 5-10 minutes up the street going away from the trolley. There is also a Starbucks 5-10 minutes up the street going towards the trolley. The dilemma became the distance. I could walk to the 7-11, which I knew had a cash back system and walk even further or go to Starbucks which I wasn't sure had a cash back system. Normally, I would just walk to the 7-11 and be good but this time, I took my chances.

I walked to the Starbucks and started looking at the menu. I felt really stupid doing that. Who goes into a Starbucks nowadays and looks at the menu? I stood there for a long minute before I decided on what I was going to buy. I felt really stupid. I chose to get an Apple Fritter and as the lady rings it up and I pull out my card, I ask "do y'all do cash back?" She shakes her head and somewhat shocked, I hand her my card and pay for the Fritter.

A little disturbed by the fact that I don't still have cash, I'm close to the trolley and I make the decision to walk over to the stop and see if they accept cards now. I step to the ticket machine and start going through the steps to pay for my ticket. When that screen popped up, all but the card were valid forms of payment. Now, I could either all the way back to the other 7-11 or go to Wal-Mart. I choose to go to Wal-Mart. Neither are really that close.

On my way there, I came across this woman who looked at me very strange. She seemed to look like a crackhead but I wasn't completely sure. She asks me "you a faggot brotha?" I wasn't sure if she had said what she said and I look at her confused. I said "what?" and she replied "Where you from?" I replied "LA."

"What?" she shouted back. At this point, I realize that she's a hard of hearing crackhead. So I replied in a loud, but as collected as I could be, "Los Angeles." She says, "That's a shame. That's a shame." Now I know she said what she said and I reply "What?" in total confusion. She keeps repeating her last words. The pedestrian man lights up so I walk away.

I finally reach Wal-Mart and to my joy, they have an ATM. Of course it charged me money to pull out the $5 I needed for the trolley but I don't care at this point. It's already 7:45.

8:25 is when I exhaustingly get to work. Easily, one of my craziest, if not the craziest, mornings ever.

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