Friday, December 4, 2009

Time to reorganize!

Before taking my break which included getting blasted around in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and talking to my girl, I was sitting in my office doing one of the most tedious, but necessary, chores I have ever done--reorganizing all our digital film on our server and my computer.

I needed to add some shots to a video in a collage form and this always requires looking through a lot of footage. Our footage is so disorganized so my boss recommended that I organize the footage so looking for appropriate b-roll wouldn't be even more tedious than it already is.

Imagine you have a crap load of groceries. They are all in different bags and you know that they go into specific place but things have gotten to a point where you have to organize the groceries in your cupboards a little better. You want to make sure your canned foods stay with your canned foods, your boxed foods with your boxed, etc. Unfortunately, this may require you taking everything out of the cupboards and putting them back where they belong or putting then in a much spacier spot. Essentially, this is what I have to do on my computer with files on our hard drive and our server. To add to this, I also have to rename files which at this point, I am in the hundreds.

A small look at what I have to work through:

It was a lot worse before this and it's still bad.

I was complaining at first but I realized this project was going to take patience and they were never prepared to deal with a lot of footage from our own offices (a lot of times other people shoot for us--it's lengthy explanation). Once I settled down and understood that it was going to be a very long process, things were going smoother.

I am far from done but I'm hoping I can finish this today before I leave. If not, then hopefully three-fourths of it gets done today.

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