Tuesday, January 12, 2010

21 Day Fast: Day 2 - Midday Revelation

Isaiah 2:22 - Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?

When I read this, I immediately thought "Wow. That's blunt." I'm not sure who Isaiah is talking to (I can assume the Israelites) but whoever he is, they have turned their hearts from God. The people were believing in superstitions instead of God; practicing divination, idolizing gold and silver among other things that were bringing them away from God. Therefore, the word came out, "Stop trusting in man..."

Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils.

This is something we do a lot in a negative way. In no way is Isaiah saying do not trust men because God wants us to be relational people. If God didn't want us to build relationships with each other, the concept of friendship, marriage and family would not exist. All those things are relational and for that reason, we should trust men. What we shouldn't trust man in is to give us everything we need--finances, love, peace, joy, etc.

God designed us to worship him and by living our lives in accordance to His word and following and obeying him, we are worshipping him. He also wants to be the source of our lives. He wants us to trust him. He wants me to trust him. If I am not putting my trust in him and seeking my approval, love and all that from men, then I'm doing it wrong. I only have breath in my nostrils. There's nothing I can do outside of God. God has given me abilities to use for his glory but he gave me those abilities. I didn't conjure them up myself. My ability to play drums, from God. My parents didn't give that to me. I was created with that ability before I was even conceived.

What can man do against me? Another question would be, what can man do for me outside of God? Nothing. God may use people to bless others but ultimately, it comes from God. The SOURCE is God. My job, from God. Yes, I was hired by my supervisor who I work for now and I'm thankful for them but God provided this job for me to give me money to live, to buy food and other things. My girlfriend who I adore and cherish, from God too. The happiness from having her in my life and the joy and the growth, all that comes from God. My happiness should not come from whether or not I'm with her or around her or if she's mad at me or whatever, it comes from God. He is my SOURCE. The word of the day: Source.

Stop trusting in man as the source. I am not a source, my girlfriend is not a source, your job is not a source, your roommates aren't a source, your friends aren't a source, no one on this earth should be a source. Always look to God who is the source. No one should be the source of your love, the source of your joy, the source of your peace, the source of your prosperity. People can give you love and you may feel loved by people but guess who is the source of that? God. To have the love of God and then the love of another is some great icing on the cake but if that icing isn't there, the cake is still bomb.

21 Day Fast: Day 1

Yesterday our church began our 21 day fast. It's all about fasting from something, food preferably, so that we can take that time we use normally for our fleshly desires and turn them into God time. Not that eating food is bad because food is for the stomach and stomach is for food but nevertheless, it's a time to show the flesh who is boss.

Since I don't really have a problem with food and in fact need to eat more, I decided to fast from internet and video games. The internet is one of those things that I have a hard time living without because frankly, I need it. I have to check my work e-mails, I have to check my personal e-mail and do other things. After that though, it's all about what I want. Gamespot.com, MotorTrend.com, RagingNerds.com, Twitter, Facebook, etc, etc. Most of my time on the internet is spent on these sites and if I logged all the hours I spend on these sites, I could definitely say that it takes a lot of time away from God. I could justify it and say that I only do it at work when I'm bored but if I can do that at work, then I could get in the word instead.

So why am I blogging clearly on the internet? This is my avenue of giving my thoughts because I'm not going to translate from paper to the blog. Truthfully, it's more of a fast from my social websites but any unnecessary browsing is also a factor which is very difficult also.

I also chose to add video games from the list of things to fast from simply because it's hard. During the week, I don't get to play video games a lot because I have a lot of things to do but now that I've reworked my schedule, I found myself trying to add video games into the free time that I would have. Because of that, I decided to kick video games into the list of things to fast from.

So far, I have been okay. It's been hard not to check my personal email because every time I open my browser at work, I see the number of e-mails I need to check and as it increases, it's becoming harder not to check it. Most of the time, my personal e-mail is full of things that don't matter--most of the time. But if I miss anything, oh well. That's just how it's going to have to be unless people decide to text me.

I'm looking forward to the extra time with God since I have been through a lot lately and my body is still physically recovering but as I've been putting the word back into my life (not that I ever left it but reading it more), I sense my love and faith muscles growing and my trust in God is reaching new heights. Things that I was having a hard time believing for are becoming easier and lately, I've been wanting to worship God for who he is. He does deserve it after all.

That was yesterday. We're going to see how today goes and when I spend time with God, let's see what juicy revelations he gives to me.